Start your day off right

A simple morning routine

Waking up naturally need not be complicated.

  • Hydrate

  • Sunlight

  • Grounding

  • Cold plunge

  • Mobilization

The 'biohackers' out there would say my morning routine ticks these boxes.

Personally - I'd say it just feels good 🤷‍♂️.

Here’s a morning routine that suits my lifestyle & gives me energy

1. Wake up after 9 hours in bed

Sometimes that's almost 9 hours of sleep.

Sometimes it's more like 7.

But if I don't give myself the time, I definitely won't sleep enough. Sleep is criminally underrated. But y’all already know that. Make it a priority.

2. Put on swim trunks, since I'm naked.

For modesty.

3. Take a few sips of water, since I'm thirsty.

4. Walk to the beach.

No shoes, shirt, or sunglasses since it's simpler & faster not to bother. The sun and sand feel great.

5. Take a dip in the sea.

In the shallows I do some lower body 'mobilizations' - Think lunges, splits, moving around in a low gait while nearly weightless.

Feeling out my existing range of motion - not trying to push to new depths though.

Body goes from stiff to less stiff very quickly.

6. Get out and do a few push ups.

This makes me feel strong, powerful & alert and gives a lovely little chest pump. This isn’t a workout - but it does get the blood flowing and help with recovery.

7. Shower off, walk home, and brew some strong coffee and get about my business.

On keeping it simple

I could explain to you all the 'benefits' of a routine like this.

But I honestly don't think any of these things are essential on their own.

I'm just going outside to let my body know the day has started - and in return my body gives me energy for another great day.

The lesson?

  1. Get outside after you wake up to tell your body what time it is.

  2. Take advantage of any nature available to you.

  3. Move gently if that feels good.

  4. Drink some water - then drink anything you want.

  5. Take a deep breath and enjoy your wonderful life!

A morning routine does not need to be complicated. It doesn’t need to be ‘perfect.’ It just needs to wake you up without taking longer than you have to spare. If you get outside every morning, I guarantee you won’t regret it.

Action item: What’s one way you could improve your morning routine without making it a chore? Try implementing that this week and see how it affects your morning productivity.

Thanks for reading. Have a great day
